Thursday, February 20, 2020

Process or structure of government Research Paper

Process or structure of government - Research Paper Example The head of the government who is the US president share his powers with the Congress and the Judiciary system. These three branches dependent for proper functioning of the government. Being a Federal Constitutional Republic, the United States’ Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The US Democracy is different from other democracies in that every state of the Union holds enough power to make their own reforms as long as they do not go against the Supreme Law, which is the Constitution. The Executive This is the branch that consists of the president, the vice president and fifteen cabinet departments. Every four years, the Americans go to the ballot to elect a president and his running mate who takes the position of the vice president. The president of the US is the commander-in-chief of the U.S Armed Forces and is essentially the leader of the country. It is the duty of the president to recommend legislation to Congress, convene Congress, deliver the state of the Union address to Congress every year. ... The president usually appoints fifteen cabinet members who must be approved by the Senate. The Legislature This is the arm of government tasked with legislating or rather making laws. It was established by Article 1 of the Constitution. Thus the Congress, the collective legislative body consists of the Senate and the House. These two House were established so as to balance the concerns of smaller but more populated states against those of larger but more sparsely ones. Thus the Senate is made up of 100 members known as Senators. Each state is allowed two representatives. However The House of Representatives currently consists of 435 members, with each state’s representation dependent on its population. The two Houses have got unique duties and powers and could be tasked with some specific duties as well. For example a House may initiate legislation that require people to pay taxes and can decide if public officials are to be tried if accused of crime. After every two years, re presentatives are elected. The Senate confirms presidential appointments such as that of ambassadors, cabinet members and federal judges. Federal officials accused of crime are tried by the Senate after the Senate votes to impeach the official. The senate is presided over by the vice president and the election of Senators takes place after every six years. The Judiciary This branch is established by Article 3 of the U.S constitution. However its powers duties nor organization is not spelt out here. This was left to the Congress and Justices of the Court itself to develop the authorities and operations of the entire Judiciary. The Supreme Court Justices are usually nominated by the president and later on approved by a majority of vote of the Senate. Their terms of service are

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Complexity of human being and their moral actions Essay

Complexity of human being and their moral actions - Essay Example question or dilemma results in a search for a method that can be used by humans in ethical decision-making and justification, a method that would give the conditions to be met by any moral or ethical decision and consequently the action. This is the complexity in human beings. This essay will attempt to explain this complexity in relation to moral and ethical actions based on the Kantian deontology theory and how it reduces and evaluates this complexity. The essay will also examine how Aristotelian-Thomistic ethics evidences this human complexity. The complexity of human beings is evidenced in their moral actions since all moral actions are a product of moral and ethical reasoning. Moral action is based on the principle of right and wrong which is preceded by reasoning. Many a times, when humans are to make decisions for actions there are to take, their reasoning and decisions are always based on either the approach of rights, duties, and obligations; consequences; and or human nature. Should morality of our decisions and actions be based on rights, obligations, and duties? Or, should it be evaluated based on its consequences or human nature? According to Kantian Deontology, the only good thing is that action which is of free will motivated by the right reasons. Kant uses reason as a faculty which he considers is the way that human complexity in terms of reasoning and decision-making can be reduced and evaluated. Kant argues that, it is not inclination, but rather, it is reason that should guide human moral action. In this sense, the resulting moral action according to Kant becomes a duty (Kant 61). Basically, Kant argues that, a purely free and good action of the will is one that is purely done not on the basis of inclination but because there are right reasons for it. For instance, let say you find a lost wallet that belongs to a stranger, Kantian deontology argues that, despite an inclination of keeping the money, one should return the wallet simply because